The need of the hour is good health which can be one of the strong points of your profile. But only if you feel gung-ho about your health, you can lose your stomach fat. The “must know” rule for losing stomach fat is that if you spend more calories than your intake, you will not develop stomach fat. But, to see that the stomach fat is reduced and your Fat is lost as quick as possible, you should calculate the calories you consume and spend so that you can devise suitable plans that may definitely give you the results you expect.
But before you embark upon evolving plans for achieving this end, you should know your Basic Metabolic Rate or BMR. BMR shows the calories required by your body for its maintenance. Of course you spend more calories than this and so you should add these calories you spend to your BMR to find out the total calories you expend each day.
For ensuring that the stomach is reduced and the Fat is lost in quick time, you should pay attention to what you eat. Junk foods, spicy, oily and processed foods should be avoided. Highly fatty foods like cheese, sweets, soda, sugary foods should be completely barred from your eating list. So are hot dogs, sausages, salami and all the processed meats that contain high quantity of saturated fats.
Likewise, if you think that all carbohydrates are the same, you cannot be more wrong. Carbohydrates that are present in white bread, pasta, doughnuts, cakes and biscuits slow down your metabolism and the unmetabolized carbohydrates increase your stomach fat. But those present in fresh fruits and vegetables are good carbohydrates and they do not add to your Fat and stomach fat. These foods also contain high fiber content and hence digesting them is also easy for the body. Constipation is also avoided by these fiber foods. If you allow constipation to affect you, you may not feel like eating properly. This may lead to over-eating subsequently that may increase your stomach fat.
There are certain foods that release carbohydrates slowly such as oats, brown rice, a few varieties of pulses and sweet potato and these can be taken.
For decreasing your stomach fat, you must stop consuming alcohol. Alcoholic drinks are calorie-laden. Another reason that is metabolic for advising against consumption of alcohol is that when you consume alcohol, till the effect of alcohol is there in your body, your body will not burn fat.
When you consider the step of spending calories to ensure stomach fat is reduced and Fat is lost in quick time, you must focus on getting fit by doing regular exercises. Your exercises must be a combination of both intensive training and resistance training. Such exercises done regularly increases your blood circulation and removes toxins from your body. Exercises stimulate secretion of a few endocrines due to which you will crave less for food. Exercises supply the required nutrients to all the parts of your body. If your body gets the nourishment it requires, you may not perceive the “feeling” of necessity to compensate for a shortfall in nutrients and hence you may not overeat.