Daftar Isi [Tampil]
Everyone is always concerned about how their stomach looks. Well, you will be glad to know that you will no longer be embarrassed to take your shirt off at the beach. The following tips on how to lose stomach Fat will change your life for the better.
Your stomach Fat is correlated with your diet. The worse the foods you eat, the more fat your stomach will store. Most people have a hard time with stomach fat because it is the last place the body burns fat, and I am sure you are no exception. So what can you do to lose the Fat? Eat better! Erase the bad foods and eat the good foods and you will lose Fat quickly.
So what foods should you not eat? You probably already know the answer, but just in case you do not, here are most of the bad foods:
1. Fast food: Yes it may be fast and cheap but your stomach certainly does not thank you for that. Stay away from salads (most fast food salads are really bad for you), fried foods (including fried vegetables), ranch packets, hamburgers, chili, and anything loaded with cheese. Basically, you should stop eating fast food. I know this habit will be hard to break, but try cutting out 1 fast food stop a week. Then the next week cut out 2 fast food stops. Eventually, your body will no longer crave fast food.
2. Cheese: Avoid foods with lots of cheese on it. Cheese can be good for you, just not in large doses.
3. Alcohol. Limit your drinks as alcoholic beverages are filled with empty calories. Stop the beer belly!
4. Red meat: Most red meats are extremely high in fat. You can get leaner red meats and I highly recommend doing so.
So what should you eat?
1. Turkey: A great source for protein and is very low in fat.
2. Chicken: Another great source of protein while also being low in fat. Do not buy fried chicken as this defeats the purpose of losing Fat.
3. Tuna and other seafood products: Seafood is high in protein and essentially has no grams of fat.
4. Veggies and fruit: This is a must to eat, as you need to get your body healthy.
5. Lean red meat: As stated above you should get red meat that is low in fat.
Follow these diet plans and you will see your stomach shrink and look better.