Daftar Isi [Tampil]
The number one secret to losing Fat is obvious. Eat less. This is easier said than done for most people. Here are some ways that you can eat less and lose Fat:
1. Eat smaller portions more often. Eating large meals makes you feel sluggish and lazy and the danger of eating a large dinner is that you will probably end up storing most of the calories as fat because you will just go to bed a few hours after eating, even before you begin digesting.
2. Try not to eat at least three hours before you plan to go to bed.
3. Brush your teeth between meals. You will love the fresh clean feeling of your teeth, your breath will be fresh and you will be less likely to reach for an unplanned snack.
4. Cut out all sugar. Drink water instead. Sugar is just empty calories and it is very hard on your body. It also helps to increase your appetite, so if you can reduce or eliminate it, you will end up eating less.
5. Eat lots of vegetables. Cut up large amounts of fresh vegetables and keep them in easy reach in your fridge. When you feel hungry, eat vegetables until you feel full. Try to eat vegetables before and with every meal.
6. Don’t go to the grocery store hungry. You will end up buying a bunch of food that is full of empty calories and you might even start snacking on it in the car on the way home. Have some sort of a snack before you start shopping, this will keep you on track and less likely to buy impulse items or snacks at the till. Besides that, what you do not buy does not end up as a temptation in your home for mindless munching.
7. Eat slowly. Savor your food and chew every mouthful at least 10 times. It takes a full 20 minutes before your stomach signals the brain that it is full, so the more slowly you eat, the better.
8. Chew gum. When you feel a sudden snack attack coming on, chew some sugar free gum. It helps you to calm your cravings, and there are not many calories in sugar free gum.
9. Drink plenty of water. Sometimes we feel hungry, but in fact we are thirsty. Try to drink a glass of water before each meal, it helps to take the edge off your hunger.