Lose Fat in 10 Easy Steps

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Lose Fat in 10 Easy Steps

If you were presented with the opportunity to lose Fat in ten simple steps, wouldn’t you take it? Well, here’s your chance. Follow the steps outlined below and you can say goodbye to unwanted fats forever.

Step 1. Calculate your maintenance calories, or the amount of calories you need each day in order to keep your current Fat. Calorie calculators can easily be found online.

Step 2. Deduct ten percent from your calculated maintenance calories. The resulting amount is the amount of calories your need to consume daily in order to lose Fat.

Step 3. Divide your daily calorie requirement by five or six. It is best to eat five to six meals a day rather than three.

Step 4. Eliminate simple carbohydrates from your diet except when you eat right after exercise. Eat more whole grains and high-fiber foods.

Step 5. Exercise at least three times each week, with at least 30 minutes of cardio. The increase in physical activity will help your body lose fat fast.

Step 6. Choose healthier alternatives to your favorite foods. For example, choose diet drinks and eat leaner cuts of meat.

Step 7. Drink at least two liters of water each day. Fat loss becomes more difficult when you are dehydrated.

Step 8. As much as possible, eat only foods that are low in fat, low in carbohydrates and have moderate amounts of protein.

Step 9. Monitor your calorie intake by keeping a dietary journal where you list down all the foods that you eat each day and their corresponding calorie content. It is easy to overeat without a tangible reminder.

Step 10. Take supplements that help boost your metabolism because a faster metabolism can lead to faster Fat loss

And, a unique and efficient Weight Loss Plan can be found on my site. Click here to find out how YOU can put an end to restrictive fad diets, long boring cardio workouts, and the need for super-human willpower for good.

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