Lose Fat Eating Eggs - Tips Diet

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Lose Fat Eating Eggs - Tips Diet

A growing body of evidence continues to not only suggest, but also recommend the use of eggs in any Fat loss plan. Low cost eggs can help achieve Fat reduction in three very important ways.

Lean Muscle

In some diet plans some of the Fat lost is the reduction of lean muscle tissue. In a perfect diet scenario this would not happen. Leucine is an amino acid in eggs that works to prevent lean muscle loss. The good news is the Fat does come off in other areas.

Fat Reduction

We return to the benefits of leucine. The high quality of this amino acid in eggs is useful in the promotion of fat loss in any diet plan.

Glucose Stabilized

One of the greatest threats to humanity is the growing potential for the development of diabetes. The use of eggs is considered a great stabilizer of glucose (blood sugar) and may be useful in staving off the potential of diabetes.

More About Leucine

According to Wikipedia, “Leucine has been found to slow the degradation of muscle tissue by increasing the synthesis of muscle proteins… Leucine is utilized in the liver, adipose tissue, and muscle tissue. In adipose and muscle tissue, leucine is used in the formation of sterols, and the combined usage of leucine in these two tissues is seven times greater than its use in the liver.”

In essence this amino acid builds muscles, reduces fat and aids in utilizing blood glucose for energy.

Other Fat Loss Factors

Eggs are a high protein food that provides improved satiety. When you feel full you eat less. Since eggs are considered a morning meal they are especially beneficial in starting the day with energy and fullness. The result is a metabolism that burns more efficiently while allowing lean muscle mass to be maintained, and excess fat to be burns as stored fuel. Egg whites provide the highest concentration of protein.

Additional Research

Studies indicate it is possible to eat 400 calories less per day if you begin by eating eggs. The overall satiety rate allows you to eat less and lose up to two pounds monthly – even without exercise. Single egg calories stand at about 80 or fewer per egg.

The Egg and Bagel Debate

It has been thought that eating a bagel in the morning may be a positive way to lose Fat. As research continues on the relevance of eggs in good health and Fat loss it appears that eggs are still the preferred choice for Fat reduction in breakfast foods. According to LiveStrong.com a study was conducted among those who consumed eggs for breakfast and those who preferred bagels. “Of those participants who had reduced their caloric intake, those who had eggs for breakfast tended to lose 65 percent more Fat than those who had bagels for breakfast. They also reduced their Body Mass Index by an additional 61 percent over the bagel breakfasters, while also seeing a 34 percent greater reduction in their waist circumference,” the report said.

Coincidentally researchers did not see a noticeable change in cholesterol levels.

A Political Connection

Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher saw eggs as the key to successfully losing 20 pounds in 2 weeks. The year was 1979 and Thatcher consumed nearly 60 eggs in two weeks and was successful in losing the Fat she needed for the public image she desired.

It is probable that health care providers today might suggest more moderation in using eggs in a weight loss plan, however the new consensus seems to be that eggs should be back on the menu and should be considered useful in reaching weight loss goals.

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