I used to feel embarrassed to flaunt my flab among my friends who had perfect bodies. Spending the whole day at a desk job and not involving in any physical activity was not helping either. Then one day I laid my hand on an article on the truth behind belly fat and it changed my life. Here are some of the facts and tips that I gained from. You can change your flab to flat stomach and 2010 is the year you can achieve it too.
What you need to do
The first rule you need to follow in order to lose belly fat is to keep away from junk food. You are just what you eat, so avoid junk food. Throw off all the junk in your house, if you do not find them near you, you might not eat them regularly. Wondering why junk food should be avoided? Most of them contain high levels of sugar and refined carbs, which when consumed raise the blood sugar levels quickly, thereby resulting in increase in appetite and reduction in fat burning.
Good Carbs and Bad Carbs
Carbohydrates are important but you need to know that, you have to keep away from bad carbohydrates and consume the good ones only. Refined flour and its products such as cakes, pasta, bread, donuts, etc are bad and their consumption can result in poor digestion, bloating and accumulation of fat. Sources of good carbohydrates are fresh vegetables and fruits, oats, sweet potato, brown rice, wholemeal bread, etc. Increase the intake of proteins and vegetables along with some amount of carbohydrates is a balanced diet.
Tips to lose belly fat
Try to exercise for a minimum of thirty minutes everyday. Physical activity burns calories and gets rid of the excess body fluids. Forget about Fat loss, if you cannot indulge in any physical activity like taking a walk or jogging or spending time in the gym.
Increase the intake of fiber, consumption of fiber makes you feel full and helps you in losing belly Fat. Increase the intake of fibrous fruits and veggies.
Reduce the consumption of alcohol, excess consumption can increase the size of your belly. Limit yourself to one bottle of beer or a glass of wine.
No more snacking at late nights. With no much activity after eating snacks, as most of the people get to bed, the sugar levels in blood shoot up. With no energy spent, this excess sugar just transforms into fat.
What I did
First I got myself assessed by a trainer in order to assess my physical fitness and then started going to the gym regularly. I stopped taking junk foods completely and started eating healthy. I even cut down on the consumption of alcohol completely. I go jogging daily for thirty minutes in the evening and spend thirty minutes in the gym during morning times.
Losing belly fat is possible, all you need is a little determination and know the reason behind developing belly fat. Once you devise your plan of losing belly fat and stick to it, even you can be an example to others!!