Imagine what it would be like to know what foods you should be eating for healthy Fat loss! To know exactly which foods are the best for Fat loss? Visualize yourself being able to eat healthy Fat loss foods that you can enjoy without feeling guilty.
Many of the best diets for Fat loss programs that you get today advise you to keep a daily diary of your food consumption. Few of them show you the way you can use this data for your own benefit.
What if there was a way that you could utilize your PC to calculate your body’s Fat loss? A simple application which you load onto your PC will give you readings when you change from one diet to another. Did you ever think that this could that be possible?
Just picture, after you collected sufficient data over several days, you will be able to compare various diets and pick the best one for your Fat loss management! This is one of the most amazing food products that I discovered for efficient Fat loss – Tomatoes. This was an eye opening experience for me.
After I used tomatoes with my meals I lost three quarters of a pound. This was a fantastic result for me. Only I maintained a daily record of the pounds lost for each type of food – I would not have believed that this was possible
To my surprise – when I had green beans in my diet plan there was s loss of over two pounds. I always enjoyed eating green beans and other legumes, but I never considered them very beneficial in this way. This single discovery alone, makes keeping a daily food diary worthwhile for me.
I sometimes think back to when I was a child. I recall my mother used to cook spinach for Sunday dinner and on other special occasions as a treat for the family. She used to say that it was very good for us. I never realized it was so good for losing Fat until I started my diet program.
When I used spinach with my diet my Fat reduced by well over a pound each week. Spinach is a product that you’ll seldom find in Fat loss programs. I never dreamt that it was this beneficial for losing Fat.
You won’t believe what was the real eye opener for me – using vegetable oil for frying instead of fat based substances makes an incredible difference when cooking foods.
When I started using it, I lost an astonishing one and a quarter pounds every week that I ate food cooked in vegetable oil rather than the conventional fatty oils.
I have to let you in on a secret; I lost over thirty five pounds (yes, 35 pounds!) by working with several different diet programs. Each week I would swap from one to the other and this turned out to be a very successful strategy.