The kind of cravings that had me reaching out for another piece of cake, then the whole cake too at times. After I had binged on these desserts I did feel guilty and vowed not to do this to myself, until the next time round that the cravings began and I would gulp down a whole packet of cookies within no time at all. The kilos began to pile up and from a size 10 after the children were born within no time I was size 12 and now almost on my way to a size 14. I knew that I did have to do something about this as every time that I looked into the closet I could fit into far less clothes then ever before.
That is when I had to rearrange my closet into clothes that fit me which were very few and clothes that no longer fit me which was piling up by the day. Then I looked at my collection of Christian Louboutin shoes and I was really saddened as with the clothes no longer fitting me I couldn’t wear them too. I eyed the Christian Louboutin fake shoes that I had so very lovingly collected over the years and now all that I had were a collection sitting in my closet.
That is when I decided that I had to take my life under my control and turn it around. I noted down the triggers that got me reaching out for the sugar and the time of the day when I craved these binges and go berserk. Once I had noted down this I decided to change my diet habits. More of fruits and vegetables and food off the plants rather than what came from plants.
I could start feeling a difference in me within a few days. I was no longer huffing up staircases or feeling breathless. I began to feel far lighter than before and rarely did I reach out for food that was harmful. I started replacing unhealthy options with the healthy ones, so for instance had more of chicken and fish rather than beef or red meat. Then, the pounds started to melt away. This wasn’t a quick process and it did take time but nevertheless it was happening and was I glad about it. I looked at the clothes and shoes in the closet and knew that the time wasn’t far when I would be able to wear them and flaunt my newly discovered figure back again. I had certainly been able to cleanse my system off the pounds rather than investing in a whole new closet of larger sized clothes.