Lose Pounds Fast - Diet and Exercise Secrets

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Lose Pounds Fast - Diet and Exercise Secrets

I am going to share diet and exercise secrets you can use today to lose pounds fast. If you are frustrated by how slow your Fat loss has been then these tips will help you speed things up. I will be honest, these tips will require your participation and effort but if you are willing to give them a try you will absolutely love your results. I encourage you to take a couple of minutes right now to read through them and judge for yourself.

Lose Pounds Fast

1. Work with your body with nutritional timing. When you work with your body’s natural rhythms you allow it to use food more effectively and prevent it from having to store the foods you eat as fat.

Nutritional timing has been studied for years but has only recently caught on in Fat loss, here is how you can use it to drop the pounds faster. Finish eating carbohydrates by lunchtime. Early in the day your body requires a lot of energy because your metabolism is climbing. When you feed your body carbohydrates at this time your body quickly uses them up as energy.

When your body and metabolism start to decline in the evening your body takes those same carbs and converts them to stored energy – FAT. By keeping them out of your evening meal you prevent this fat storage.

2. If you want the fat off eliminate the refined carbohydrates. One more tip concerning carbohydrates. The refined carbs such as baked goods, candy, pretzels, etc. break down very quickly in your system and cause a reactionary spike in your insulin level, when insulin is high your body shuts down fat burning and increases fat making. Cut out the refined carbs and you will burn fat without interruption.

3. Intensity trumps time when it comes to exercise. It is common to think that if you want more fat loss from exercise that you should work out longer but this is not how it works, in fact if you work out too long your body starts to break down your muscle which you do not want.

What you want to do to maximize fat burning during and after a workout is to add bursts of high intensity. Start with a warm-up at a moderate pace and then steadily increase your pace until you are at your maximum effort, back down to catch your breath and repeat and you will be done in 20 minutes.

You can lose pounds fast and these insider secrets for maximizing your diet and exercise will give you the great results you are looking for.

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