Burn Fat and Build Muscle - A Healthy Way to Achieve It

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Burn Fat and Build Muscle - A Healthy Way to Achieve It

Are you tired of being bullied around by people because of your obesity? Do you wish to have a muscular body? If you do, then here’s what you should do. This article provides you with 10 ways to reduce excessive fat and build muscles.

The three most important principles on which you must focus if you want to burn fat and build muscle are as follows:

Eat Healthy and Right

It is the most essential principal among all, and does not only fuel your workouts but also helps to build muscle and burn fat. Increase the amount of protein intake. Studies have shown that the maximum amount of protein burns 71 calories a day. Proteins such as almonds, cheese, tuna and salmon should be included in your diet. Most people often think that skipping a meal or two will help reduce your fat, that’s where they go wrong. 

Skipping meals causes the body to accumulate fat because it slows down your metabolism. Therefore don’t skip meals especially breakfast as it helps kick start your metabolism for the entire day. Eat more frequently to burn calories, and remember eating more often does not mean over eating. There should be a limit to everything. Also try to eat smaller proportions as there is no need to finish food just because you don’t want to waste it.


Workout helps your body to maintain a good figure; it helps to keep your body physically fit and active. Learn proper exercise techniques and try to use it on daily basis. If you are a beginner than do not directly pick up heavy Fats, you should go slowly and gradually. Fat lifting exercises should be performed five times a week, starting with 5 kg dumbbells or so. Moreover cardio related exercises should also be implemented around five times a week, such as running, walking, cycling etc. Cardio exercises help burn fat faster.


After every workout your body needs a sufficient level of rest, for the muscles to recover. Remember don’t over train yourself as muscles are built in recovery, not during exercising. You should take at least one day off per week. Also sometimes you might get exhausted really quick compared to other days; in that case you need to give your body a little bit more rest than usual. If you continuously keep on building muscles without a break, than this might stop your progress as it can result in muscle burn down.

Remember to keep track of your progress, keep a check on your Fat loss as well as your muscles growth. Plan your exercise schedules and work according to it. Don’t go around wondering why you aren’t getting a consistent result. Fat burning requires cardio exercise and muscles’ building requires Fat training. Furthermore keep increasing the amount of time of exercise, both cardio as well as Fat training. Remember fat burning and muscle building are not easy tasks to carry out, it requires time and patients. Therefore never quit saying that you are not getting favorable results.

Bal Gill

Has been writing online for over 10 years and has recently lost over 6 stone in weight. This is why this he wrote this article. Hopefully it will help others achieve their goals.

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