Daftar Isi [Tampil]
Who really wants to go on a diet? Dieting is horrible but if you can make a conscious effort to change your lifestyle you will never ever have to go on a diet again. And the best thing is you will burn fat quickly. I know of hundreds or thousands of people who have made the decision to chose a lifestyle changing program instead of deciding to starve themselves. In all honesty it does make more sense.
Here are 3 ways to burn fat quickly:
1. If you really need to have snacks in between meals try and opt for a glass of chilled water. Then follow that water with some raw vegetables and fruits or some whole raw nuts. Many diets recommend that you snack in between meals however for some a snack can quickly turn into a full fledged meal. Veges and fruit are low in calories and fats, whilst nuts contain wholesome fats and protein that are good for you. If you still have a tendency to overeat you will consume far less calories.
2. Not that you need to become a vegetarian but you can make the effort to have mostly vegetables on your plate. When you have meat make sure you only have quality lean meat. Indulge in the most expensive quality cuts you can possibly purchase. Try and have this 2-3 times per week.
3. Start your day off with some fresh vegetable or fruit juice. If this is not possible buy some tomato juice. Tomatoes are great whether they are cooked or raw as they do not lose any of their nutrients through any type of cooking process.
Of course exercise is recommended. Again this is an area of high debate. For years we were instructed to partake in cardio based workouts. This could mean at least an hour of aerobic activity. Now you can limit this to 20min 3-4 times per week if you do strength or Fat training. Up to you of course which one you chose but I know what I have time for and 20mins works well for me!