What an irony to name them love handles, isn’t it? Will anything they stand for make you love them in any way? In particular for many men the love handles are the unsightly chunks of fat present at the sides, right above the hips. They’re so hard to dispose of without using the proper ways, that it’s a treat to actually have access to what these ways really are!
In reality, it’s not feasible to make flab in one particular area only disappear from your body. You are required to lose Fat all over your body to receive the best results. There are however exercises once that fat is gone to define the section. To put it briefly, at least three times a week, but ideally five times, you should go for some cardio, which will increase your metabolism. Aerobics as well as a good run or swim will help you consume a whopping four hundred calories in one hour.
Next on the priority list is watching what you eat. It is very simple: to slim down, you should take in a smaller number of calories than you burn. Some people call it a calorie deficit. Along with the cardio exercises, this will help you reach your goal rapidly.
Food swaps are recommended to help you transition to healthier eating habits. The idea is that when you feel like having an unhealthy dish, change it for a healthier treat. For example, swap crisps, cookies or chocolates for a fruit or vegetable snack instead. A simple and effective way to start changing unhealthy eating habits.
After you have started to reduce your body Fat, combine it with some of the exercises as follows:
Leg flutters
With this exercise, you will strengthen the back that will help support the muscles you develop in front. Once you are lying on the floor, keep your head slightly raised so that it is off the floor. Arms need to be kept straight down your sides. Lift your knees and feet and keep them there till you reach a count of 20, then relax your legs and “flutter” them as quickly as possible.
Twist crunches
They are comparable to crunches, but offer an excellent opportunity to work on the love handles. From lying on the floor with your knees bent and hands behind your head (which is slightly lifted), bend at the core in a move that will allow your left elbow to nearly touch your right knee. Once there breathe while you count to 3, then come back to the floor. Continue for the other side and aim to do 25 of these.
Standing trunk twists
Standing trunk twists contribute to fat loss as well as to toning your muscles. Whilst standing with your feet wide apart, keeping your hips and your legs stable, twist to the left. Come back to center and then turn to the right, then work the number of repetitions to one hundred.
Tae Bo
For toning up obliques and a great cardio workout, consider Tae Bo. When you twist to kick and punch, the love handle area is worked and targeted whilst also reducing fat from the body. If a class is not a suitable option for you, just select one of the many alternatives in DVD form.
Fat Training
Were you aware of the benefits Fat training provides in as far as reducing your Fat through an increased metabolic rate is concerned? Therefore you can try building your abdominals with Fats, if you want the added bonus!
To abide by the advice mentioned so far in routines of at least thirty minutes of not more, three to five times every week and you stick to a healthier nutrition, you will surely notice considerable changes in your Fat after only a few weeks.
Of course, since different people don’t have the same lifestyles, eating habits or even slimming needs, the time it will take to remove love handles will also differ. You may notice that although initially the fat loss occurs quickly, it could slow down after a while as your body gets used to the routine. If that happens, a few solutions would be to add variety to your exercise, have more protein in your meals or reduce the fat intake from your food.
In spite of what you might have thought, ridding yourself of this nuisance for good is quite possible, not to mention that it’s worth every minute and drop of energy that you commit to it. Not only will you look your best, you’ll also feel better than ever, and this is what truly matters.
We have reviewed a great weight loss product which you may be interested in reading about. If you enjoyed this article, check out: Strip the Fat Review.