Are you ready to get serious and get the pounds off fast? This article will share with you tricks you can use to outsmart your slow Fat loss. If you are frustrated with the rate that your body drops pounds then you can use the tips in this article to speed things up. I encourage you to end your frustrations by taking a couple of minutes to read on.
Get The Pounds Off Fast
1. Outsmart your hormones. When you stick with a low calorie diet for a long period of time your hormones signal this as a threat thinking that you are moving into starvation. These hormones then trigger your body to slam the brakes on your metabolism and your Fat loss grinds to a halt.
To outsmart your body you must mix things up a bit. A proven way of doing this is to feed yourself a “cheat meal” once a week. Stick with your low calorie diet 6 days of the week and then on day 7 boost your metabolism back up to normal with a high calorie meal. You can eat any of your favorite foods (yep, pizza, burgers, etc.) because it is not about what you eat it is about convincing your hormones there is enough food.
2. Stop guessing. If you have ever heard yourself say, “I don’t know why I don’t lose Fat, I really don’t eat that much.” then I recommend you start keeping track of your food in a food journal. It is so easy to let little treats slip into your diet and if you are not keeping complete records then you are guessing.
3. Boost your exercise to double your fat burning. If you are exercising regularly yet the Fat is coming off too slow then give your exercise a boost. To stimulate your fat burning metabolism and keep it elevated all day long vary the pace and intensity during your workouts.
Start with a normal warm-up then instead of staying at a set pace vary your pace by moving up to a peak of high exertion and then coming back down to catch your breathe.
You can get the pounds off fast by following these tricks to outsmart slow Fat loss.