There are loads of diet myths out there. Some you heard of, and perhaps some you didn’t even know were myths. Today though I want to look at the biggest myth of them all.
The Number 1 Fat Loss Myth: Fat loss is extremely hard and you must have a personal trainer to help you achieve your Fat loss goals.
Let me make this clear. This is a complete load of rubbish.
ANYONE can achieve Fat loss if they want to. They just need to know how….and no you do not need a personal trainer.
And the best thing is it really isn’t as hard as you might imagine it to be.
Yes you will need to change your lifestyle and eating habits. There are foods which you will love you can no longer eat.
As a rule of thumb, you should only eat food which is “natural”. By that I mean you do not eat foods which are packaged.
Fruit, grains, pulses, vegetables, water, meat and fish are all natural foods. Cookies, ice cream, chips and sauces are not natural….and are no good for your waistline.
Add to this a little exercise….now I’m not talking about sweating it out in a gym seven days a week on a treadmill but just raising your heartbeat during your daily activities; walking kids to school or the shops, taking the stairs instead of a lift, or maybe doing a little sport you used to enjoy and you are well on your way to losing some serious Fat.