In many cases, our Fatloss efforts seem like a losing game. However, Fat control should be part of a well-balanced lifestyle, instead of it’s primary occupation.
In America, and in most of the western world, Fat-loss is both a serious business and a game. Have you ever asked yourself, “Is this the way people used to be affected and preoccupied with body Fat a hundred years ago?” No! But it’s our reality.
Yet still, current trends show that obesity is a growing problem today, despite our increased knowledge of the cause and of modern “treatment” methods. We have a fitness center in every neighborhood, but what does it say about how serious we are about losing extra body Fat? I say, we’re playing the game of Fatloss.
Rules for playing the Fat loss game – to lose
It’s a truism, “keep on doing what you’re doing, and you’ll keep getting what your getting,” – fat! It’s like “playing” Fatloss. So…, do I have a solution? Yes. How much does it cost? Nothing. Anyway, this article is not to tell you how to lose Fat, it is about how to play the Fat-loss game that the industry has been winning. Here’s how…
1 – Don’t change your diet. Even though you know that the fast food industry is not (and will never be) interested in your health, just keep on trusting them to design your diet with fast and big stuff.
2 – Don’t eat your breakfast. Skip it, only eat when you feel like. Never mind that most of those who have Fat problems usually have bad habits like missing the first and most important meal of the day.
3 – Keep despising vegans and vegetarians and their plant-based diets. Let your taste buds instead of your health-consciousness govern your appetite. Yeah, live to eat, rather than eat to live.
4 – Instead of eating two or three regular meals per day, with 4 to 6 hours between meal times, try to graze throughout the day – snack little by little. Tell yourself, healthy snacks are not fattening. In fact,…
5 – Eat late at night. Never mind that a meal takes about 4 hours to be completely digested… Why should it matter if you eat your dinner after 8 PM?
6 – Whenever our burden get a little too uncomfortable for us to carry, let us just take a few Fat loss pills and get it off quickly – taking that surgery will work too, but it’s irreversible. However, if you don’t mind the knife, go ahead… play the game.
7 – Don’t be concerned that the same habits that cause overFat also cause other lifestyle conditions such as type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and coronary problems. Just don’t change your lifestyle.
8 – Well, keep listening to, and fall for those radio, TV, and newspaper ads that say you don’t have to give up a thing to lose Fat. Believe them, they have your money at heart.
Well, those are a few strategies we can use to play the weigh-tloss game and let our merchants win. Whether we play consciously or not, if we want to play, we need to know how to be good at it. So…
Consider this trend and decide whether or not you want to play the game…
Recent statistics on Fat loss trends
* In 1990, none of the states participating in a Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) had more than 15% prevalence in obesity. In fact, 10 states were below 10%. Eight years later…
* By 1998, there 22 states had a prevalence greater than or equal to 25%. In fact, in that year, no states was found below the 10% margin of prevalence of obesity. And still another 8 years later…
* In 2006, we found that only 4 states were still below the 20% mark. Twenty-two states were 25% or greater, with MS and VA more than 30%.
As the knowledge grows, so does the obesity problem. As the medical technology advances, so does the Fat of the nation. As memberships at fitness centers and health clubs increase, so does the excess body Fat in every neighborhood.
But there is improvement in one area – the profitability in the Fat loss business industry. The business of Fatloss is booming, partly because there are more patrons, and partly because the Fatloss methods are cyclical and produce “seasonal,” temporary, or transient results, at best.
One leading medical expert stated that 95% of those who lose Fat by the various “fast-acting” pills, programs, and diets will re-gain their Fat within a year after completing their program. Why? Because they haven’t changed the cause of the problem – the lifestyle.
Just think of it…
Why would I go on a diet that I cannot maintain for the rest of my life? The apple patch diet! The grapefruit diet? Can I just eat grapefruit all the days of my life? Isn’t there someway I can live my life so that my total calorie intake is less than or equal to my total calorie expenditure?
If not, then I’ll just keep on playing the Fatloss game.