Fat burning exercise is essential for those who have excess Fat especially in the stomach, waste, hip and thigh areas. After the age of 30 years Men and women should do regular exercise for keeping their body strong and healthy. A perfect fat burning exercise regime should cover maximum number of muscle groups that will help to burn maximum calorie from the body.
A regular fat burning exercise pattern releases a particular type of enzyme in the body, which increases the rate of metabolism, this in turn burned as much as fat from the body. These enzymes become active in the body even after we have stopped our practice, and facilitate fat burning. Fat burning exercise is varying on the basis of sex. Men and Women can perform various types of exercise in this aspect.
1. Fat burning exercise for Women
a. You can hear some good music and dance as much time. Dancing need not require any special practice and you can burn large quantities of calorie with in an hour.
b. Go for a walk in the morning. First start slowly, and then increase the speed of walking. Try to cover 3 KM a day. Choose some hilly areas to walk.
c. Put on a good shoe and start some jogging, even though it is tough, try to continue regularly
d. Take up some push up, that will strengthen your body muscles.
e. Practice front bridge exercise. Keep your body firm and lie straight on the floor with your face down. Contact with the ground using your forearms and toes. Do it for 25 seconds or as long as you feel comfortable. This exercise will tight up the muscles of the abdomen.
f. Do swimming; even though this require some practice, swimming is good for the whole body.
g. Aerobic exercise is unavoidable for the women also
h. Different asana in yoga is very suitable for women
2. Fat burning exercise for Men
a. Running is an excellent fat burning exercise for men. 300 calories can burn up with 30 minutes running. Running avoids concentrating fat in the stomach area, also tightens the muscles.
b. Cardio exercise like boxing, punching etc is found beneficial to men. It will build up muscles in the arms, legs and abdomen
c. A home gym with treadmills and other fitness equipments are very helpful in maintaining muscles.
d. Cycling in the out doors for long time will give benefit to legs, abdomen and hip. Fast cycling can burn up 400 calories with in 30 minutes.
e. Rowing out door or indoor by using machine
f. Men can also follow high impact aerobic exercise.
g. Sprinting, tennis, racquetball, basketball, and golf are very useful in burning up sugar element.
h. Practice Surya Namaskar in Yoga
Exercises should work out at least 5 days in a week. It will take 2-3 months to realize the changes. All the work outs should do in empty stomach and preferably in the morning.