Here is a list of Fat loss rules that you must obey if you want to see your efforts show some results.
1.) Drink Plenty of Water:
You need to aim towards drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day. Do not try to replace water with juice as juice would give you calories that you are trying to shed when you are in a Fat loss plan. Drinking water also helps to increase the metabolic rate of your body and thus help your body to burn off those calories in a much better manner. Yet another benefit of water is that it will make you feel full, thus helping you eat less.
2.) Eat Smaller Meals More Frequently:
Skipping meals will not help you lose Fat. In order to lose Fat you should eat small meals at frequent intervals. You can eat up to 5 meals a day and always choose low calorie healthy foods. Eat a healthy breakfast and reduce your portion sizes as the days go by. Remember that you cannot achieve long lasting Fat loss if your body is forever hungry.
3.) Exercise Regularly:
Almost every Fat loss system worth its salt would tell you the benefits of regular exercise. However, quite often most of us lack the motivation to visit a gym regularly. But that need not prevent you from enjoying the benefits of exercise. Follow any activity that catches your fancy – dancing, walking, swimming, cycling and running are great ways to exercise in a natural setting.
4.) Watch Your Calories:
If you want to achieve long term Fat loss, then you need to eat healthy foods. You should also learn to count your calories. Include foods that are low in fat and low in calories.
Once you start following these simple rules, you will be well on your way to Fat loss.